69:03Starbangers 10: Shanna McCullough (1997)73:29Starbangers 05: Samantha Strong (1994)71:27Starbangers 04: Tracey Adams (1993)75:28Starbangers 03: Sarah Jane Hamilton23:36Asian Lai Is An Old Ratchet Whore Asian!77:16Convenience Store Girls (1986) - (Vintage)90:16Swedish Erotica 105: Blondi (1985) - (Vintage)68:56Ghostess With The Mostess (1988)(Vintage)90:08Swedish Erotica 98: Elle Rio (1985)(Vintage)9:36Pretty Girls 106: April (1970’s)(Vintage)73:56Girls Of Treasure Island (1988)(Vintage)7:36Collection Film 108: The Census Taker(Vintage)85:00Born to Be Maid (1987)(Vintage)74:08Springtime in the Rockies (1984)(Vintage)4:58Swedish Erotica 416: Swedish Erotica Turn-On (1980’s)(Vintage)83:04Slumber Party (1984)(Vintage)90:37Swedish Erotica 113: Alicia Monet (1985)(Vintage)100:36Sarah Young Private Fantasies 05 (1990’s)(Vintage)72:31Explicit (1995)(Vintage)84:44Lingerie (1983)(Vintage)87:24Ginger’s Dreamworld / I Dream of Ginger (1985)!!!87:31Sex Scape (1987)!!!7:03Collection Film 108: The Census Taker (Another Quality) (1970’s)!!!84:41Dial F For Fantasy (1984)!!!73:16Chills (1989)!!!9:37Pretty Girls 115: Tara (1970’s)!!!105:27Sarah Young Private Fantasies 10 (1990’s)!!!75:43The Case Of The Mad Tickler (1988)!!!82:44Crocodile Blondee 2 (1988)!!!