Backstage of Missy's first -
Backstage of Missy's  first-0
Backstage of Missy's  first-1
Backstage of Missy's  first-2
Backstage of Missy's  first-3
Backstage of Missy's  first-4
Backstage of Missy's  first-5
Backstage of Missy's  first-6
Backstage of Missy's  first-7
Backstage of Missy's  first-8
Backstage of Missy's  first-9

Backstage of Missy's first


Remember this cute little teengirl Missy Nicole? I introduced her a few weeks ago, telling how shy she is. This time she surprises us with her first ever boy-girl appearance on screen! Not a bad start, huh? :)