Aastrid, Cassandra Emerald - Interview Aastrid, Cassandra, Emera ...
<br /> Time: 15 min 2 s <br /> Description: Come join us and perv on these three babes cuddling in post coital bliss after a tantalising fuckfest. Emerald's not going to let you forget that "Aussie girls are really, really, horny, you know what I mean?". <br /> "I think it's really cute that we're all blonde" says Emerald whilst caked between sexy Cassandra and divine Aastrid. Cassandra and Aastrid discuss the "warm welcome" they received in Australia as tourists but Emerald is more interested in the "wet welcome" her and Cassandra were lucky to receive during Aastrids' huge squirting orgasm! <br /> Cast: Aastrid, Cassandra, Emerald <br /> Genre: