Watch out little man or get crushed -
Watch out little man or get  crushed-0
Watch out little man or get  crushed-1
Watch out little man or get  crushed-2
Watch out little man or get  crushed-3
Watch out little man or get  crushed-4
Watch out little man or get  crushed-5
Watch out little man or get  crushed-6
Watch out little man or get  crushed-7
Watch out little man or get  crushed-8
Watch out little man or get  crushed-9

Watch out little man or get crushed


You know what? I think I like you more now than you have been shrunk. Now you had better watch out down there or you might be squished by these big high heels. I bet it wouldn't take much pressure at all to just make your head pop right off the top of your body. How does it feel to be stuck under the foot of a giant woman? -Carissa