Sasha: Skilled Sausage Swallower -
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Sasha: Skilled Sausage Swallower


What we say, this one basically writes itself. When a girl was such a remarkable talent, any written narrative you can add is just an afterthought. When I was just a lowly young soldier who had just gotten in some trouble back in my early military days, an older Sergeant told me: “If they ask you to shovel shit, be the best shit-shoveler there is!” Those words resonated with me, even to this day——-I like to think we have the best Filipina site in existence Basically, whatever it is you do, don’t do it just to do it. Be the best at it, or at least do it the best that you possibly can. Too many people just go “through the motions” in life. There’s far too much half-assery out there. Which brings me to our girl, Sasha here. There is nothing half-assed about the way this girls blows cock. God bless her for giving 110%. And God bless KB for bringing her to us. Too many girls out there don’t apply themselves. Sasha is not one of them. She realized that she was a cocksucker, and decided to be the best cocksucker she could be. I feel that is something to be admired and applauded by everyone. You’ll see in this video how she doesn’t hold anything back. She blows KB’s engorged pole with all her might, straining and pushing to get every last centimeter of it down her gasping, pulsating windpipe. That kind of effort and skill is a beautiful thing to behold, and it’s a rare find in the Philippines to be honest. Most Pinays, while play-acting on the outside as overtly sexual, have all kinds of hang-ups and inhibitions once behind closed doors and naked. Again, as mentioned before on this site, it’s a by-product of this confused and contradictory culture and society here. Now, Sasha wasn’t born this way of course. She was undoubtedly coached up by a foreigner or multiple foreigners on how to let down her guard and suck cock so expertly, but it’s extraordinary nonetheless. So sit back, watch and try to imagine it’s your pecker this wonderfully skilled LBFM is feasting on!