Lomp''s Court - Case 1 SD
<br /> Video About : Mr. Lomp's private court is open for trials. For taking a case before Lomp's Court both the victim and the offender must agree to be judged by Mr. Lomp. This can be beneficial for both parties. The victim can have a sweet revenge, the offender can go through the process quite swiftly, and can avoid jail. But there is one catch. If Mr. Lomp finds the offender guilty, the sentence is quite painful. But if the accusation is false then the other party must endure the pain. Mr. Lomp's investigation method is quite simple but very efficient: he uses a big scary chair with electric wires to be attached to the body with clamps... Lomp's Court - Case 2 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 3 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 4 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 5 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 6 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 7 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 8 <br /> Lomp's Court - Case 10