Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay. -
Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.-0
Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.-1
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Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.-5
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Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.-8
Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.-9

Princes Stella X - OopsIve made you gay.


First I tease you and get you hard, showing off my hot body and encouraging you to stroke for it. Then I a dick picture pops on the screen. I tell you to keep stroking. Then ask you if you are turned on by it. I suggest that erhaps you aren't that straight after all. Maybe, just maybe you are bisexual. I ask you if you are more turned on by me or the cocks on the screen. I make fun of you while I keep implanting gay triggers in your brain, until your transformation is completed. #IWorshipPrincessStella 50% #LOSERTAX 100% #Everything4PrincessStella 500%