The pimp from hell part 2 GroupSex! -
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The pimp from hell part 2 GroupSex!


Well sure enough, just as Robyn has satisfied her wanton, lesbian lust on the hapless Lara, she sends for her Business associate Dave. A hulking great thug, who burst into the room, threatening yours truly, until Robyn reassures him that Im Kosher. Anyway, what a double act of sleazebags, Robyn and Daves banter was hilarious, especially when he complained to Robyn that shed stuck him with a lady-boy on his last assignment. So now its Daves turn to put Lara through her paces with a hard shag, I must admit this was the strangest interview Id ever attended, I mean you wouldnt see this on the Apprentice. When it got to, as Robyn so delicately put it, Dropping anchor in Poo Bay Lara backed off, so Robyn showed her how, with Dave pounding into her arse hole while Lara helped. Needless to say Lara passed their audition and its a great laugh seeing the shock on Laras face when Robyn and Dave tell her what her first job is going to involve.